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Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Laporan Fisika - Titik Berat

Om Swasty Astu | Suatu benda tersusun atas bagian-bagian. Resultan dariseluruh berat bagian-bagian ini dinamakan gaya berat benda. Titik rangkap resultan gaya berat benda ini disebut titik berat. Pada saat benda seimbang pada posisi tertentu, berrti momen gaya sama dengan nol. Sesuai mengenai koordinat titik rangkap gaya resultan, untuk benda berbentuk luasan (dua dimensi) dapat ditentukan koordinat gaya berat sebagai titik berat suatu benda sebagai berikut:

Laporan Biologi - Mekanisme Gerak Otot

Om Swasty Astu | Sistem otot adalah sistem tubuh yang memiliki fugnsi seperti untuk alat gerak, menyimpan glikogen dan menentukan postur tubuh. Terdiri atas otot polos, otot jantung dan otot rangka. Sistem rangka adalah sistem yang memiliki fungsi untuk menyimpan bahan mineral, tempat pembentukan sel darah, tempat melekatnya otot rangka, melindungi tubuh yang lunak dan menunjang tubuh. Terdiri dari tengkorak, tulang rusuk, tulang belakang, rangka penopang tulang bahu, rangka penopang tulang pinggul, tulang angota badan atas dan bawah.

Review Text - Movie

Om Swasty Astu | Gito Prawoto, Dede Rifai, Kuncoro Prasetyo & Rojak Panggabean threatened DO because of delinquent tuition for 4 semesters in a row, their parents were no longer able to pay for college. Campus Party make allowances for them to remain in college, but still must pay at least one semester in a few days.

Hortatory Text - Speaking

Om Swasty Astu | Do you have breakfast today?
Breakfast is one of the secrets to staying healthy. Breakfast gives you the energy capital to move throughout the day. Actually, in addition to energize the body, breakfast also has other benefits. Here are some of the benefits of breakfast.

Review Text - Book

Om Swasty Astu | Industrialization always Brings changes in social life. So also with the tourism industry in Bali. On the island's exquisite, sacred, local wisdom, and meaning of spirituality, has undergone a change.

Review Text - Song

Om Swasty Astu | Song Karena Kucinta Kau is a song created by Bunga Citra Lestari and sung by himself. These songs became the soundtrack movie Bayu Cinta Luna interest played by Bunga Citra Lestari and Chico Jericho in a private television station. This homage to country-pop song and duration of 4 minutes 55 seconds.

Explanation Text - How Cell Phone Work

Om Swasty Astu | A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876.

Dialogeu - Speaking

Om Swasty Astu | One day  in the big town there was a girl,her name is Worro.She was very sad because she got bad news,someone called her and gave information that her boyfriend was death when came back to Indonesia,his plane that he flight got an ancident so defeated all of passanger and flight crewman.

Spoof Text

Om Swasty Astu | One day in 8th grade was an accomplished computer practice exam, the teacher’s name is Mrs. Suchi. She was very nice and friendly but when there was repetition she hated if there was a cheat pupil is therefore each computer practice exam she always divided the class into two parts.

Hortatory Text - Writting

Om Swasty Astu | I am writing to complain about moving class. Moving class system is style of study that moves from one class to other class based on the subject. I think moving class should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, moving class makes students tired. Sometimes moving class makes students tired because they must walk from end to end. Even, averagely students walk for about 300 meters per day.

Explanation Text - How The Rain Occurs

Om Swasty Astu | Do you know rain? Rain is the occurs about water when falls down to globe from sky. The occur of rain, because the water in cloud can`t be catch. Before the rain fall down, the sky is cloudy, the process of rain is step by step.

Narrative Text- Speaking

Om Swasty Astu | One day in the Distric’s Restaurant there was a new waiter. Her name is Riyanti. This is first time to she to work. Then visitors came. They were Nina and Ratih. Riyanti gave greeting and told them that in Distric’s Restaurant there were 2965 kinds of food and 1546 kinds of drink. Then Nina serve two meatballs but Riyanti forbid her because it was contain many bad grease and it made fat. After that Ratih serve fried banana but Riyanti forbid her too because it was contain cholesterol and it can trigger stroke.

Discussion Text

Om Swasty Astu | Facebook is a social networking service and website that was launched in February 2004 that is operated and owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can create personal profiles, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Facebook can help student or even hinder student in learning activity.

Explanation Text - How Nose Is Work

Om Swasty Astu | The nose is the sense of smell. we can smell the perfume, the smell of rotten dung, or the savory smell of cuisine because of the nose. Our nose consist of bridge of nose, back of nose, tip of nose, wing, nasal cavity, nostril, and the curve of her upper lip.
One of the privileges the nose is not its sensitivity with age. The older a person, usually the sense of sight and hearing senses will be minor, but the sense of smell remained as before.

Pantun Berkait


Merah-merah buah rambutan
Rambutan matang di keranjang
Setitik cinta aku layangkan
Berbunga-bunga untukmu sayang

Rambutan matang di keranjang
Warnanya merah layaknya bata
Berbunga-bunga untukmu sayang
Tersenyum manis kuterima cinta

Laporan Fisika - Kesetimbangan Benda Tegar

Om Swasty Astu | Benda ukurannya dappat diabaikan sehingga dapat digambarkan sebagai suatu titik materi disebut partikel. Gerak yang terjadi pada partikel hanyalah gerak translasi. Gerak translasi adalah gerak yang tidak menyebabkan gerak rotasi.  Oleh karena itu satu-satunya syarat agar suatu partikel  seimbang adalah resultan gaya yang bekerja pada benda tersebut sama dengan nol.

Laporan Biologi - Uji Zat Makanan

Om Swasty Astu | Karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi utama bagi manusia. Molekul karbohidrat terdiri atas unsur – unsur karbon (C), hidrogen (H), dan oksigen (O) dengan rumus CH2O. Karbohidrat terdiri atas monosakarida, disakarida, dan polisakarida berdasarkan susunan molekulnya. Terdapat 4.1 kkal energi tiap gram. Selain sumber energi utama, fungsi karbohidrat yang lain yaitu: memberi rasa manis pada makanan, menghemat penggunaan protein, mengatur metabolisme lemak, dan membantu pengeluaran feses.

Sifat-sifat Alkali

Om Swasty Astu | Postingan ini berisi tentang sifat-sifat alkali, kegunaannya, dan lain-lain. Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Functional Text

Om Swasty Astu | Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan share tentang powerpoint saya yang berjudul Functional Text. Adapun isi dari functional text ini adalah tentang Descriptive, Narrative, Report, dan lain-lain. Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Karya Ilmiah - Kopi Sebagai Penghilang Bau Amis

Om Swasty Astu | Buat temen2 kelas XInya, saya disini sudah posting karya ilmiah saya dan teman saya dulu pas masih SMA. Karya ilmiah ini bisa kalian pelajari atau kalian edit sesuka hai kalian. Langsung aja ya cekidot.

PPT Biologi Kelas XII

Om Swasty Astu | Buat para temen2 yang pengen download ppt biologi kelas XII,,,,disin tempatnya. Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Battery Care

Om Swasty Astu | Pernahkah baterai laptop anda rusak atau soak? Jangan khawatir sekarang ada software baru yang bernama Battery Care. Apa itu? Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Software Pengusir Nyamuk

Om Swasty Astu | Ngiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing,,,pasti pada kesel kalo denger suara kayak gitu,,,yap itu adalah suara nyamuk yang sangat menjengkelkan,,,,,pasti jengkel kan klao kita lagi enak2 tidur digigit nyamuk,,,,daripada berpanjang lebar, Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Game Nintendo Jaman Dulu

Om Swasty Astu | Masih ingat nggak game-game yang ini? Dulu saya seneng banget main game ini sampai lupa waktu,,,hehehe saking asyiknya,,,,waktu itu di suatu sore saya pengen banget main game jaman dulu ni,,,soalnya game-game yang sekarang udah bosen semua,,,trus saya googling eeh ketumu juga yang versi PCnya,,,apa aja itu? Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Kunci Jawaban SNMPTN 2012

Om Swasty Astu | Kemarin saya baru saja habis mengikuti SNMPTN 2012,,,,saya dapat tempat duduk di L6 GSG UNILA,,,,huuh rasanya pengap banget,,,panas, gerah, grogi, haus, pengen ke kamar kecil, pokoknya semuanya dech campur aduk,,,pas malamnya saya ragu mau nyari kunci jawabannya di google,,,takut nilainya jelek,,,,tapi akhirnya saya bertekad untuk mencarinya,,,,eh langsung dapet. Langsung aja ya cekidot.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

WinX Free DVD Ripper

Om Swasty Astu | Apakah agan-agan penggemar K-Drama atau J-Dorama seperti saya? Tetapi kalau ingin download filenya terlalu selangit terus kalau ingin pake kaset, masak setiap kita ingin nonton harus masukin kaset terus kan ribet. Sekarang ada sebuah aplikasi yang bernama "WinX DVD Ripper". Apa itu? Langsung aja ya cekidot.